Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Check It Out!

So Sam's girlfriend Amelia made her very first TV debut yesterday on Fox News yesterday morning. They showed Amelia, Nestor and Debbie at a therapy center that does very intense physical therapy with something called a therasuit. This is one of the new waves in physical therapy and one that has been helping children with all kinds of motoric impairments make miraculous strides. They also showed Amelia and Debbie in a hyperbaric chamber. A hyperbaric chamber is the medical use of oxygen at a higher than atmospheric pressure which in theory can help children with CP because the 02 given this way is said to increase brain cell activity. Amelia has made some great gains since starting this program. She has been there for almost a month and her last day I believe is this friday. Check it out, its really cool.

OK I am having trouble pasting the link for some ridiculous reason. Go to Sam's friends on the right side of the page and click on Amelia...


Barbara said...

Carrie, I just checked that out! That is some really great stuff! Thanks for sharing. Her parents are so well spoken and up on Amelias needs!


Debbie said...

Thanks for the plug! We love you guys and can't wait to see Sam when he gets back from Duke.