First of all I am ever so grateful to be pregnant and I do feel blessed that I am and I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE feeling this little one inside me kicking and rolling around. It is a magical feeling and I am appreciative. However if one more person calls me big I am going to drop kick them in their face. Or if my husband criticizes what I want to eat or what I do eat I am going to fucking throw him out of the house and make him live with his parents. I am very hungry and although I am eating very healthy foods and making sure I get all the calcium and protein I need I want peperoni pizza and a Wendy's cheeseburger with a frosty and after I am done blogging that is the first thing I am going to do. My crotch is KILLING me and my back aches all the time. I can barely move and its not because I am big its because I am pregnant and running around everywhere with barely any time to take it easy and rest. I am tired and grouchy and everyone is bothering the living daylights out of me. Passover is next week and my mother-in-law is making brisket (its the best)and I plan on eating most of it without sharing it with anyone!
Sooooo many people have been asking to see a prego picture of me and have been asking how much weight I've gained. I have to say because of my pregnancy with Sam I am very self conscious of how I look. When I was pregnant with Sam I looked like I was having triplets and EVERYONE on the street or who I knew would tell me how tremendous I was. Little did I or anyone else know that the reason I was showing so big was because I had too much amniotic fluid and something was wrong. It was awful. This time around my stomach is still very big but everything is normal. Oh well, so plastic surgery is in my future what can I say... So for all of you people out there that need to know my weight gain and what I look like here you go... I'm just letting it all hang out...
So here she is weighing in at a whopping 145lbs @ 28 weeks with a total weight gain of 23 lbs so far and a bra size of a 36 E... Yup E could you believe it. And for those of you perverts that think Scott is a lucky man he is not allowed to touch me right now so keep dreaming...